Skin Care

3 Ways To Cleanse Your Aura And Get Rid Of Negativity

What does the word aura bring to your mind? According to astrologists, an “aura” is a rainbow-like, kaleidoscopic, electromagnetic field comprised of energy that pulses or vibrates or radiates around the physical body of a living being. The brightness, clarity and the power of aura are comprised depending on the person’s emotions, health, and various other circumstances. 

Your aura is an energy field radiating from your head and body. The structure of aura is comprised of various layers such as the etheric body, astral body, mental body, higher mental body, spiritual body, and the causal body.  These layers together create a wonderful blend of colors and light around the skin and are, essentially, an extension of the physical self. These layers are known to interact with one another which is sometimes the reason one has various inexplicable gut feelings. Most people have a gut instinct which made them take decisions in on various aspects of life- haven’t you heard yourself say, “have a really bad feeling about this”. 

Ways To Cleanse Your Aura And Get Rid Of Negativity

These auras can be drained of its power and vibrancy by a plethora of people and situations, it could be anything from unfulfilling jobs, bad relationship, family troubles, health concerns and everything that’s straining and stressing us out in this 21 st century. According to astrologists our star signs and the position of the sun and the moon too can affect the aura. Remember how on certain days you feel anger and unstable for no specific reason. In other words, this can be claimed as an effect of Mars Retrograde and its effect on the equilibrium of our energies.  This is why people have these feeling that is intense and emotional without no specific reason.

3 Ways To Cleanse Your Aura And Get Rid Of Negativity

Basically today the lifestyle and the stain has got most people weakened by both my life as well as the wiles of the universe. If you are feeling too much pressure then it’s time for a cleanse. Now you might be wondering if it’s actually possible to do that- yes!

If you are feeling aurically drained, over-emotional, stressed, uninspired, pissed off these 3 ways to cleanse your aura and get rid of negativity is exactly what you need to try. Let’s get started:


  1. Cleansing



One of the best ways to start the cleansing process is to go under the sunlight- Go outside and get some healthy sun exposure you will instantly feel reinvented. Apart from that swimming can also do great, the ocean is better than a pool- take a dip, this can help you physically as well as emotionally cleanse yourself. Apart from that Bathing with Epsom salts or doing meditation can also help you cleanse your mind as well as the body.

  1. Healing


Your mental health can affect your aura in all ways. the vital energy of your aura can become damaged due to your life traumas. Some people chose to seek the help of a counselor. If you don’t feel like doing that you can try and learn the art of forgiveness, this can help you heal better- by forgiving the person who caused you all the emotional troll. You can also try this simple meditation tips from home- start by imaging a white light covering your body, extending over your skin, bones, and muscle. Imagine this white light pierce through the darkness in your mind making it bring and smelling fresh.

  1. Protecting the aura

Once you are healed and you feel positive, try and protect your aura. Being empathetic to others means that you understand how they are feeling. Being able to forgive and forget can help you protect yourself.  Create awareness and also most importantly let the of self-love, if you love yourself nothing can hurt you emotionally.

I hope this article on,” 3 Ways to cleanse your aura and get rid of negativity”, helped you cleanse yourself and create a better tomorrow for yourself as well as those who love you. Let us know what you guys think.

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